The paperback version of The Coming Times is now available in print & here's a short snippet from the introduction to give you an idea of what to expect inside...
Excerpt from The Coming Times; Introduction: How This Book Came To Be.
Pages 5-6
It was only on completing this book that I was told that the guidance is coming from The Divine Council. The Divine Council is a collective of ascended masters & I’m told their particular responsibility is to oversee The Divine Plan. It seems there are many different councils in the higher realms all keeping a close eye on Earth. It’s such big stuff that my little head finds hard to grasp.
There’s a depth to The Coming Times that I don’t think I’ll ever fully understand, however I know how much I’ve changed as a result of reading it, and I now realise it’s transformative power. And that’s the bit that excites me and how I hope it will help you too. I now understand the power of our consciousness to effect change, based on my own personal experience. The more I got out of my own way, the more I started to notice the patterns and programming start to dissipate from within me and the more peace & joy I started to feel. It’s a process we can’t understand with our minds, but bit by bit we start to feel differently within ourselves.
I now appreciate that what I thought was an encouragement of apathy within this book, absolutely is not. It’s a call to inner action to affect outer change. It’s profound, controversial, thought provoking, triggering and inspiring all at the same time. I want you to know that this book has called you, that you are not here reading these words by accident. It’s for you…the wise ones… the Warriors of The Rainbow who have felt the deep calling to inner peace & joy from within you.
Please also accept the repetition of ideas that are presented throughout the book. When I questioned the repetitiveness with The Divine Council, they told me that this is deliberate, that the more we hear about something, the more it becomes real to us.
I have been told that this book is energetically armed to help us rise above all our subconscious fear and to align with love. To remember that God/Source & our Soul is love, but we must choose consciously to lessen fear’s control over us. We are responsible for taking back control of our minds and embodying the light that we really are.
One of the book’s primary purposes is to help to assist us in returning to our true state of being, our Soul. To help us allow and open to the process of surrender and experiencing the high vibrations of light, love, joy and peace that we came here to experience and be the example of.
Helen & 'Team Coming Times'
#awakening #enlightenment #soul #comingtimes #surrender